Given-New Principle. In each sentence, identify and label the given/topical information (G), main verb (V) and new information (N) by dragging and dropping the labels above into the text below.

Social Network Analysis, part 3

1Social Network Analysis (SNA) is applied in several fields ranging from academic research to enterprise development. 2Academic research typically use the analysis for studying universal network characteristics, e.g., patterns, structures, and distances. 3Enterprises, however, mostly apply Social Network Analysis to organizational development projects, in which a corporation aims to improve its organization by leveraging the strengths of social networks. 4Social Network Analysis requires theoretical and practical knowledge. 5It is, therefore, conducted only by experienced professionals, such as university researchers and management consultants.

Adapted from Talsi, A. 2016. Social Network Analysis. Aalto University. Unpublished document.

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