Drag and drop the words to the correct holes

This exercise demonstrates different reveal effects.
  1. By default, the draggable content replaces the droppable content:     . Drag onto this text. But since the reveal effects are defined in the draggables, you should answer correctly on the first try or something else may happen. The other incorrect draggables showcase different reveal effects. This applies to all of these examples.
  2. The value false disables the reveal effect. Nothing will happen to this text when you answer correctly on the first try.
  3. Replace with any value. You may define any value for the replace effect instead of just using the draggable content: something good.
  4. Append: the reveal effect may append to the end of the current droppable content. Imagine that you must categorize sentences in a longer text with their functions.
  5. Prepend: the reveal effect may prepend to the start of the current droppable content. Imagine that you must categorize sentences in a longer text with their functions.
  6. You may use different reveal effects for correct and incorrect answers. Now the correct answer replaces the droppable content here and if you drag the same draggable to other droppables for which it is the incorrect answer, it will use the default effect of replacing with the draggable content. something to replace with the value defined in the correct answer
  7. Now the correct answer prepends something to the droppable, and the same draggable appends something to the other draggables (for which it is incorrect). This text shall not vanish.
  8. Now the correct answer appends something and the same draggable has no reveal effect as the incorrect answer in other droppables. Something should be appended here.
Correct: Wrong: